Monday, March 30, 2009

I do like to...

As days go by, I get this feeling that I do not really know what I want to do. There are fleeting moments when I think I do, but then these moments pass, and I'm back to square one.
This blog stems from a conversation that started on my way back from Amby Valley, with 2 of my friends. I was, as always, dishing out some 'gyaan' (yes I know I like to do that!), in response to the endless cribbing that was going on. But I realized that they had a very valid argument for their complaints. How do you decide what you want to do in your life when u don't know what it is that you want to do? I'm sure I've screwed up that line and confused everyone, but that's how I tend to think. Anyway, that got me thinking... I'm sure I want to do certain things that I've always planned do an MBA, start something of my own, build a nice house with loads of wood and a pool(sigh!)... but how the heck will all this happen? I take one look at the essay questions and I feel like I have no words in my kitty left (I know some of you are laughing now, but these are serious issues!) The economy is royally messed up, there are no scholarships left (not that B-schools were being extremely charitable before) and somehow I'm just getting poorer by the day.
Well, I can only conclude that nothing is going to happen if I don't do something. Whether it is taking a decision about what I want to do versus what I should do, or even figuring out what I really, really want... "DOING" is the key.
Back to my musings again...


axeywaxey said...

the whole point about knowing what to do is ridiculous. if we knew what we wanted to do and since it is assumed that as sane and rational people , we will do only what we are capable or 'good' at doing, then we would in all eventuality 'do' what we wanted to do. this would result in a life devoid of any curiosity, uncertainty and profanity..ergo , the key is to just hang in the middle.this way u can always swing to any side and yet not get stuck there---Rishi- CEO Mindfuckers Inc.

axeywaxey said...

holy fuck , my retarded extinct blog still exists!!

P1 said...

lucky are those who know what they wanna do in life .. if you discover that even when you are 40 [i guess that ll be 2 yrs from now if i am not wrong] you are lucky !! the mean time keep looking and be happy :) ...

next time when u r mulling .. get drunk :P

sd said...

axeywaxey was smoking some good stuff at 6 in the morning.....

bored sd said...

like yoda once said..
"Always in motion is the future."

so chill....

Unknown said...

Well..thanks guys..for such insightful comments.. I'd have never thought that booze and pot were the answer to all!! ;-)

Arwen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Arwen said...

hey nice post...and a very valid point I must say...even I'm at a loss as to what I wanna do in life right now...but I do know what I don't wanna in the IT industry for the rest of my life!!!
BTW I deleted the earlier comment because I'd made some grammatical error! :D